ឃាត់ចិត្តព្រោះស្រឡាញ់ Khat Chit Prous Srolagn 2023 - Unhating You [EP.24End]

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ឃាត់ចិត្តព្រោះស្រឡាញ់ Khat Chit Prous Srolagn 2023 បន្លំខ្លួនជំពាក់ស្នេហ៍ Bonlom Kloun Chompak Sneh 2023 - Unhating You

Title: ឃាត់ចិត្តព្រោះស្រឡាញ់ Khat Chit Prous Srolagn 2023 បន្លំខ្លួនជំពាក់ស្នេហ៍, Ton Rai Plai Rak , Jam Laeng Rak , จำแลงรัก, ต้นร้ายปลายรัก,

Rosana is the head of her family. She works hard trying to earn money to care for her sick mother. Despite her best efforts, she's laid off. In her desperation, she's willing to do anything in exchange for the assurance of her mother's care, even take on the role of a wealthy person's fake daughter in order to inherit. In the midst of an unfamiliar family, Rosana has to deal with powerful Korn, a cousin intent on proving her true identity.

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ

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