ភ្លើងស្នេហ៍សងសឹក Pleung Sneh Song Seuk 2013 - Fai Huan [EP.23End]

complete/Completedepisode/រឿង23ភាគចប់quality/ABC Drama

ភ្លើងស្នេហ៍សងសឹក Pleung Sneh Song Seuk 2013 - Fai Huan [EP.23End]

Title: ភ្លើងស្នេហ៍សងសឹក Pleung Sneh Song Seuk 2013 - Fai Huan ไฟหวน The Fire Returns ,

A young woman who was raised in the brothels decides to look for a rich man to marry to escape her downtrodden life. By chance she enters her half-sister’s life and competes with her half sister for a husband. They don’t know each other, she was conceive out of wedlock–her father is a rich General who had a wife and daughter already. The General’s wife decided to have her and her mother eliminated but she was saved by chance by a prostitute who raised her to be a prostitute too. She is the ‘fire’ and she furiously coming back to claim what is hers.

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