គំនុំចាញ់ស្នេហ៍ Komnom Chagn Sneh 2016 - Plerng Naree [EP.25End]

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គំនុំចាញ់ស្នេហ៍ Komnom Chagn Sneh 2016 - Plerng Naree [EP.25End]

Title: គំនុំចាញ់ស្នេហ៍ Komnom Chagn Sneh 2016 - Plerng Naree เพลิงนรี, Lady of Fire , Woman of Fire , Fiery Woman , Passionate Woman

Risa is the illegitimate daughter of Kanin Buraphakiet. She was forced to flee to Trigis with her mother by the hands of her father’s family. In Trigis, her mother married King Ra-Il and she became Princess Pririsa of Trigis but she could never forgive or forget her past. Seeing her mother suffer injuries from the actions of her father’s family and how the culprits are living happy and comfortable, she decides to return to Thailand to seek justice by disguising herself as Risa, an employee at Buraphakiet. There she meets Theephob who is suspicious of her true identity.

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